It's the ugliest of ugly days out today. Rain, wind and darkness took their toll on me and I wanted to take some dark photos to reflect my inner mood. When i got home from work I had serious thoughts about curling up with a book and blankets in the bathtub (no water of course, the bathroom is just the warmest room in my house).
My tights are green and whenever I wear them I feel a bit like Peter Pan (especially with this green dress). That's fitting with a comment I gave to a co-worker today that I still felt like a 16 year old. That guarantees he won't be trusting me with any large responsibilities in the near future: triple points for that.
My birdcage necklace is from one of those cheap jewelry stores in the mall (Claire's? The Icing?). I have a huge obsession with all things bird and I own around 20 or so necklaces adorned with them. And then I also have the cutest bird of all:
My tights are green and whenever I wear them I feel a bit like Peter Pan (especially with this green dress). That's fitting with a comment I gave to a co-worker today that I still felt like a 16 year old. That guarantees he won't be trusting me with any large responsibilities in the near future: triple points for that.
My birdcage necklace is from one of those cheap jewelry stores in the mall (Claire's? The Icing?). I have a huge obsession with all things bird and I own around 20 or so necklaces adorned with them. And then I also have the cutest bird of all:

His name is Pooker and he's a rescue bird (a co-worker found him floating in a river actually, poor little thing). I've had him for about a year and a half. Our love's not entirely reciprocal- I try to hug and kiss him and he tries to bite me, but we have our moments of compatibility. We both like the warmth so we spend a lot of time just sitting together on the bathroom floor.
Love this outfit! The colors are pretty and the cardi looks so cozy. I have the same problem with my green tights, so I rarely wear them...I think yours look nice, though (mine are brighter in color and hard to style). Love your birdie!